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Sand Trap Tips
By Lee MacRae
Are you afraid of sand bunkers on the golf course? Do you panic when you see one near where you need your ball to land? Follow along as we detail some tips and tricks to make sand play much easier for you.
Don't take digging and planting your feet for granted. Digging your feet into sand will give you a firm base with which to hit the shot. Have Also it will tell you what you're dealing with: how softer or course the sand is, how deep it is, whether there is a layer of hardpan just under the surface. But be careful when digging in, however. If you dig in it too deeply, and then fill in your footprints, you will be guilty of "building a stance&&, which is a breach of rule 13-3. The penalty is two strokes in stroke play or loss or hole in match play.
Simply because the technique is similar to that used for a level lie from a bunker the sidehill lie is not that tough. While you take into account the affect the slope will have on the flight of the ball, you do not alter the steepness of your swing. A ball above your feet will want to go left. A ball that is below your feet it will tend to go to the right. Just adjust your stance accordto the circumstances and swing along the slope. To make this easier, flex your knees more and stand closer to the ball when it lies below your feet; stand straighter and farther from the ball when it lies above.
Here is a simple way of remembering how much to open a blade of your sand wedge. Taken an open stance, with your feet aiming to the left of the hole. Then simply open the clubface until it is aiming directly act of the hole. Now, swing outside-to-in across the ball, and your ball will pop out and bounce and roll slightly to the right, toward the hole.
And no matter what the circumstances are, don't allow tension to ruin your techinque. Tension will ruin even the best of golf swings. Keep your body and your mind loose and positive. Always imagine yourself handling the shot with success. What the mind sees, the body will do. You golf game will improve immensly when you add these tips.
About the author
Lee MacRae runs several online stores where you can find a great
weighted golf club or a great
golf iron today!
Thoughts On GolfGolf
Many players do not truly understand this term, and its meaning. Some think it is hitting down on the ball. Not So! Trying to get the ball airborne is the move that disturbs this clubhead path. The loft of the clubface is sufficient to lift the ball. Attempting to lift the ball tends to open the clubface which will slice the ball and lose distance as well.
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Use Your
Golf Swing Training Aid Consistently And You Will See Results
By: Mike Pedersen
Every golfer has a swing fault he or she fights for their entire golfing career! This is a true statement among 80% or more of the golfing population. The consistent use of a golf swing training aid, that is specific to your swing fault will do wonders to your golf swing and performance.
Please remember this!
Any training aid for golf needs to be specific to your golf swing fault. Not your golfing buddies. Not your own swing instructor. Specific to YOUR swing fault!
I am a firm believer in a total golf performance improvement program, and using training aids is part of the program. You see...training aids can help you work on a specific swing fault and groove the correct move to cure it. If you're a slicer, you need to correct a certain move in your golf swing. Same with a hook ball hitter, topper, thinner, etc.
Unfortunately there are hundreds of products on the market promising the world but never delivering. Don't fall into the "hype trap!" These companies pay thousands of dollars to marketing specialists who will hit every hot button on your body.
With that being said, you need a combination of a golf swing aid and improving your body's physical ability via golf strength and stretching exercises. This is the ultimate combination for long-term golf success.
If your body has physical limitations, it will be difficult to successfully train with your new training aid and see results. Your body will resist what the training aid wants it to do. And example of this is taking a lesson. How many times have you taken a golf lesson, your pro tells you to make a bigger backswing and you can't?
The same goes with a golf training aid. You can use it all you want but if your body is resisting the proper mechanics, it will never achieve this new movement for optimal golf swing mechanics.
Once you've realized you need to work on your body, and you've purchased the right training aid for you, there is only one thing left.
Use it regularly!
The ONLY way you are going to see results is if you make a conscious effort to work with you new swing aid on a regular basis. I'm not talking about once every couple of weeks when the wind is blowing right that day! I'm talking about doing it daily for the first few weeks to ingrain your new swing moves.
If and only if you take this approach will you see results!
So many times I hear of golfers buying some training aid or new whiz-bang club, but never using it, therefore wasting their money. Don't you do that! If you don't use it, you won't see results! End of story!
Be the small percent of the golfing population on a mission to make use of your new golf swing training aid. In the long run, you will be the one walking of the 18th tee with a smile on your face!
Find more valuable and helpful advice on the best golf swing training aid at GolfSwingTrainingAid.com.
Additional Info On Golf TodayGolf Club Reviews
To develop a simple, comfortable and effective grip. Your grip is the foundation of your golf swing. Make sure your grip is comfortable. It is important to develop a neutral grip that requires no compensations during the swing. The orthodox position with the V.s of both hands (formed by the forefinger and the thumb) pointing between the chin and right shoulder is a good place to start. Very few good players have grips with the V.s pointing very far from this position. If you want a little stronger grip move the left hand over to the right a little.
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Golf Training Aids
Many swing faults occur from an improper setup. This can cause unnecessary adjustments during the swing. Taking care to position the ball, feet, hips and shoulders properly ensures building a good swing foundation. Testing has shown golfers with open stances show no more tendency to slice than golfers with closed stances. The open stance may give the golfers a little more opportunity to slice, because it allows a little more freedom in the downswing and follow-though. The square stance is used by most successful golfers. Beginners should start with a square stance. As you advance, you can experiment with the advantages of other stances. Avoid extreme stances. Experiment to find the stance that works best for you. Take care to set up consistently on all normal shots.
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To keep the clubface in the correct position throughout the swing, the left wrist must move in a flat position. What I mean by flat is in relation to the back of the left forearm, and the back of the left hand for right-handed players with the opposite for the left-handed players. To deviate from this position will roll the clubface out of position.
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golf trainings aids
Hybrid Golf Clubs
learn the basics of stance and posture, the thought of hitting into a greenside sand trap unsettles many golfers. Improving your technique reduces the fear of bunker play and builds self-confidence in your shot-making capabilities.
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Golf Swing
You can�t fire a gun unless you pull the trigger, right? A similar concept also applies to the golf swing, which also usually requires a �trigger move� to get the body moving. Now, not everyone has a trigger, some manage to swing well from a static position to a dynamic position. But for the rest of us who often find confusion when it comes to where to start the golf swing, a trigger move can help you start swinging in a fluid and consistent manner.
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Wondering which golf clubs you should buy?
By: Lee MacRae
With a larger variety of
golf clubs coming onto the scene every week, it can become more and more difficult to determine just exactly what you should be looking for when buying new clubs.
Follow along as we discuss each type and what may be best for you.
First, are you between five and six feet tall? Then standard clubs will most likely work for you. The principle applies to both sexes. If you are outside those parameters, then you may need to look at custom fitted clubs.
Will that be cast iron or forged?
The answer normally is "cast iron".
Why, you ask? The answer centers on a particular feature of the cast iron club - a larger "sweet spot". The trem refers to the best area on the club face that will give you the maximum range and accuracy on a shot. The bigger the sweet spot, the better chance of hitting well it every time. You can still be a little "off center" and the ball is still struck well because you have a larger margin of error. This makes cast iron clubs ideal for anyone who wants a more consistant shot., especially beginners. Their swing is not as consistant as a seasoned golfer or a pro and so they have an easier time driving the ball well with a larger sweet spot at their disposal. That is why clubs like "Big Bertha" came on the market. The large oversized head obviously gives a much larger sweet spot than a normal driver. Average golfers get longer and straighter drives on a more consistant basis.
Conversely, forged iron golf clubs have a much smaller sweet spot and it is far more difficult to hit a ball well with this kind of club.
Which begs the question. Why make forged iron clubs?
Well, because they are made of a softer steel, they offer a better "feel" on each and every shot. The better players, on the other hand, will give up that larger sweet spot [and even some distance] to get that better feel of each and every shot they take. With a more consistant swing, they usually strike the ball dead center on most shots anyway. With the better feel of the forged iron club, they can draw, fade, hook or slice the ball deliberately when circumstances on the golf course require it.
The next thing to look at is the shaft itself. Will we get one made from steel? Or will it be a composite material?
The major criteria here is club speed. An average golfer will have a club head speed of 80-94 mph. Lower speeds usually means you should look at a composite shaft. Slower swing speeds mean less distance on your shots. Not a good thing. And that is where the composite golf club shaft enters the picture. It gives you a lot more distance than you would get with your normal swing and a steel shaft.
For those of you with faster swing speeds, and subsequenlty good distances, steel shafted clubs will give you a lot more control on your shots. This is very similar to the advantages of iron over cast clubs.
Visit your local golf pro shop or look for a store that offers custom work and they will help you to determine your own club head speed and which type of shaft you should use. Or you can buy one of the many swing speed radar devices on the market and clock your speed yourself.
With merely these few starting tips, it is normally best if you rent a few different sets of clubs as you play and take note of how each club helps or hampers your game. You are seeking to ascertain your individual strong points or weaknesses. Try out the various types and varieties of golf clubs available at your local golf course or in a nearby town and see what you can learn. You will soon determine the best approach to improving your personal score.
If you implement these tips and work on them, you will be certain to develop a better drive within a short period of time. Just keep on practicing and working on your improvement. It's only a matter of time before your scores begin to drop.
Improve your golf game with a great
golf training aid today!
Additional Info On Golf TodayGolf Equipment
Golf truly is a great equalizer because it doesn't discriminate. Finally, the wonderful saying "What the mind conceives, the body can achieve" really drives home this point that the only limits we have in our lives are in our "minds".
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golf equipment
Hybrid Golf Clubs
The target is not always the center of the fairway or green. To setup the next shot the target could be to the left or right of the fairway. Ball flight differs between players. If a player fades his tee shot, the target would be to the left of center of the fairway. If he draws the ball, the target would be right of center.One good point here is to always aim away from trouble on the course whenever possible. If there is trouble on the right, tee on the right side of the teeing area. Do the opposite if the trouble is on the left. In other words,tee the ball on the side the trouble is.
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golf trainings aids
Golf Instruction
To develop a simple, comfortable and effective grip. Your grip is the foundation of your golf swing. Make sure your grip is comfortable. It is important to develop a neutral grip that requires no compensations during the swing. The orthodox position with the V.s of both hands (formed by the forefinger and the thumb) pointing between the chin and right shoulder is a good place to start. Very few good players have grips with the V.s pointing very far from this position. If you want a little stronger grip move the left hand over to the right a little.
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Golf Swing
To start with a proven ball position. Moving a golf ball even two inches forward or back in your stance can make a great deal of difference in shot consistency. Start with the ball a couple of inches inside the left heel. After you master this consistent ball position, you can experiment with other ball positions. However, a ball too far to the front of your stance will increase the chances of a slice by encouraging an outside-to-inside swing. A ball too far back in the stance will make it difficult to get the clubface closed by impact and may cause a push or a push slice.
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